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Indoor Air Quality Simulation

Holistic model system for short and long-term predictions of indoor climate

Simulation of indoor gas and particle concentrations combined with a building physics whole building model


Fraunhofer IBP and WKI partnered with C3RROlutions to create the new Indoor Air Quality Climate Change (IAQCC) model system. The IAQCC model is a holistic approach that combines different sub-models, allowing for short and long-term predictions of the indoor climate. The IAQCC model system allows for the simulation of indoor gas and particle concentrations with outdoor influences using the  building physics model of WUFI® Plus as simulation master to simulate indoor temperature, humidity, and pollutant transport in building zones.

The IAQCC model offers a holistic approach to assessing the impact of climate change on indoor climate and air quality. By accurately simulating temperature and humidity variations over a long-term period, the model enables the evaluation of future indoor climates based on IPCC scenarios. It also considers the entry of ozone and particulate matter into the indoor environment. The IAQCC model provides insights into the risk of indoor mold growth and allows for the assessment of indoor pollutant concentrations under different building properties, ventilation conditions, occupant lifestyles, and ambient pollutant scenarios.

While the model focuses on gas-phase reactions and does not consider surface reactions or dermal sorption, it offers valuable guidance for evaluating indoor air concentrations. With further development and implementation of additional substances, the IAQCC model has the potential to support decision-making for preventive measures in building construction, ventilation strategies, and lifestyle choices. It addresses the often overlooked aspect of indoor climate and air quality in the context of climate change, complementing efforts to mitigate the immediate effects of global climate change.





Advantages to partner with C3RRO for Indoor Air Quality Modelling

Building Science Expertise

Expert building science and indoor environment know-how contributing to a comprehensive holistic model.

Advanced Simulation Models

Best in-class hygrothermal whole building simulation models to be coupled with newly developed sub-models.

Collaboration and Interaction

Timely execution and frequent, collaborative interaction with the partners for a successful implementation


Tools services user

Software programming

We create custom software solutions according to our clients needs


We help identify the needs for custom software solutions

Scientific background

We bring deep understanding of building science to crate state-of-the-art solutions

Active House

Radar Tool

Use of the Radar Tool