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Energy Efficient Buildings Without Damages

C3RRO® offers technology for issues related to temperature and moisture transport in buildings and building components. The company was founded in 2021 as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, based on the Fraunhofer IBP product family WUFI®. C3RRO® will convert the Fraunhofer computational kernels into modern web-based software tools, thus expanding the offering to include “software as a service”.

25 Years Of The WUFI® Program Family

WUFI® is a software family that simulates heat and moisture transport in buildings, used by professionals worldwide for 25 years. It helps with damage-free construction and renovation work, and complies with standards. The WUFI® Plus range is being extended with web-based applications by C3RRO, a spin-off of Fraunhofer IBP, to plan sustainable and energy-efficient buildings efficiently and cost-effectively. The spin-off provides advanced building physics simulation models and expertise in simulating building energy, comfort and sustainability. Both C3RRO and Fraunhofer IBP will work together on WUFI® Plus calculations, developments and research.
Overview over C3rro tools and services

C3RRO - Technology Spin-Off For The Next Generation Of Hygrothermal Simulation

The Fraunhofer spin-off C3RRO offers web-based apps for energy-efficient building planning, based on a multi-physics simulation model. Building physics calculations on different temporal & spatial scales can evaluate energy needs & certify building components to prevent damage. Cloud-based technology shortens simulation times & allows for collaborative projects. C3RRO’s mission is to contribute to a carbon-free future through energy-efficient buildings that enhance health & well-being.

Active House

Radar Tool

Use of the Radar Tool